Friday, November 26, 2010

Flat Stanley enjoys Thanksgiving


How did you spend Thanksgiving?  I spent Thanksgiving in Seattle with my new friends and my new friend Katie made me a great hat to celebrate and remember the first pilgrim Thanksgiving.

Do I look like a Pilgrim?

There was quite a bit of baking and cooking with everyone working together to make pies and food for our Thanksgiving feast.  I helped to make mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.  It was a lot of fun to work with everyone in the kitchen and one of the best parts was getting to taste everything to make sure it was just right.

I sure would like to taste those pies.

 Mmmm...tastes just right.

We brought all of the things we made to our friend's house where they were cooking a turkey.  The turkey takes a long time to cook and has to be kept warm once it is finished. 

 Is that a space turkey?

Once the turkey was ready and everyone had arrived, it was time to serve the turkey and enjoy our feast.

 It looks ready now.

One of the things that I liked best about Thanksgiving was getting to meet so many new friends and work together with everyone to share what we made with each other.  We all had a really great time sharing food and stories about Thanksgiving traditions with each other.

We all had a great time.

After dinner we were finally able to try out some of that really great looking apple pie.  It tasted even better than it looked.  The warm apples inside were my favorite part.

Finally... a taste of the pie!

After all the feasting, I was very full and not so flat anymore.  I needed to lay down and take a nap for a while.  I don't think I could eat like this every day but it sure was fun. belly is full.

I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving with your family and friends and were thankful for all the wonderful things that you have in your lives.

Looking forward to leftover pie.


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